Fabrics for Cloaks and Capes

Updated 15th May 2013

ome fabric samples for your design ideas:

linen fabric swatch
rough linen
squares & dots fabric swatch
squares and dots
fleece fabric for 1 piece cloak
one-way paisley pattern - arrange grain to run lengthwise
shimmery fabrics tend to snag easily
circles and squares
pinstripe fabric swatch
tartan fabric require careful matching
tiny one-way pattern is unsuitable for single-piece cloak
one-way pattern
herringbone fabric frays easily
herring bone
chevron fabric swatch
thick chevron
small circles pattern fabric swatch
small circles
small crosses fabric swatch
small crosses
fine damask fabric swatch
fine damask
bias-weave fabric swatch
bias veave
denim fabric swatch
polka dot fabric swatch
polka dots
square & dots fabric swatch
light squares and dots
thick stripey fabric swatch
thick stripey

Coming soon:
  • The modified Harry Potter hood that I have slogged through and tested.
  • Different construction of arm slits.
  • Joining pieces beautifully.
  • Mapping neckline.
  • Construction of shoulders (not as straight-forward as in blouses).
Do ask questions.  I shall answer as best as I can including details and photos where necessary.
